Smart car buyers know the advantages of getting pre-approved for a car loan before entering a dealership. Because dealerships have shady practices that involve charging higher interest rates and fees, many people choose to secure private financing and compare various auto loan offers. One way to get a low rate on an instant car loan is to have good credit. Here are three tips on improving credit before applying for a car loan. Auto Loan for People with Good Credit Regardless of credit rating, almost everyone can get approved for a car loan. Auto loans are secured, thus lenders have easy lending requirements. In their mind, it's a win-win situation. If a person with bad credit defaults on the loan, the lender simply repossess the vehicle and re-sells it. However, because individuals with bad credit are charged higher fees, lenders are able to recoup some of their loss. Unfortunately, many auto finance companies also charge good credit borrowers higher rates and fees. Because the majority of car buyers are unfamiliar with the auto buying process, they fail to take the necessary steps to ensure a low rate. Know Your Personal Credit Score Many people do not know their credit score. They likely know their credit category: good, fair, bad, etc. When determining an interest rate on auto loans, lenders review credit scores. If your score is above 680, you are a prime borrower and entitled to a low rate. However, deceitful lenders do not inform borrowers of the prime credit rating, and charge more interest. To avoid this scam, car buyers should obtain a copy of their credit report and score before applying for a loan. This way, you have an idea of the rates you may qualify for. Boost Credit Rating Because instant car loan approvals are usually based on credit scores, maintaining a high or good credit rating is essential. Credit reports can be ordered and viewed online. If your score needs improvement, attempt to boost score by a few points before applying for a loan. This may entail paying bills on time, limiting number of credit inquiries, reducing debts, or settling past due accounts.
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