Sunday, September 25, 2016

Car parts the importance of wheels

We’ve all noted at some point or another that a particular thing is the best invention since that of the wheel. Or perhaps we’ve laughed as someone has tried to make a simple process unnecessarily difficult for themselves by ‘reinventing the wheel’. Though man had made and implemented a wide variety of tools before the invention of this one, the wheel has assumed an iconic place in the way we look at the world. And unlike many historic inventions which, though important at the time of their genesis, have since fallen by the wayside, the wheel continues to remain an important part of our lives today, forming an essential linchpin upon which one of the most important tools of modern life is built. These days, it is easy to take for granted the great mobility we enjoy, choosing as we do from a multitude of ways to travel. One of the most frequently used methods of transport remains the car, from its humble beginnings as a self propelled vehicle in the eighteenth century to the vast array of shapes and makes we find today. Like several other modes of transit, the principle of the car is based upon that of the wheel, which, combined with an axle, allows for the forward motion that is such an intrinsic part of the human condition. As has occurred with other elements of the car, a combination of technology and a preference for the finer things in life has resulted in a choice of wheels and tyres that is quite astounding. Different types of tyres have created greater diversity in the terrains upon which cars may be used, and made use of increased technological knowledge to ensure the safety of a car’s passengers. Meanwhile, such accessories as hubcaps have been added to this important car part to personalize them to both car manufacturer and the driver. While historians cannot agree entirely upon the exact point at which this important tool was invented, there is little doubt that this remains unimportant to today’s modern motorist. We rarely give our wheels a second thought, but without them, our cars would be entirely useless, and we would be left sitting on the road, in a pointless metal cage.

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