Wednesday, September 28, 2016

How what you eat effects your unborn fetus s teeth scarborough dentists

: Any Scarborough dentist will be able to tell you that what you eat can affect your fetus, and in particular the development of your baby’s jaw and future teeth. It’s not common for babies to be born with teeth, but this does happen in every one out of 2,000 to 3,000 births. These kinds of teeth are called neonatal teeth and are usually an isolated incident but can be associated with various syndromes like; Ellis-van Creveld syndrome Hallermann-Streiff syndrome Pierre Robin syndrome Soto's syndrome So the pediatrician who finds natal teeth at birth may inquire about having your baby tested for these conditions. A Scarborough dentist will tell you that cleaning your infants teeth can be a simple process, whether natal teeth or neonatal teeth, which can erupt as soon as 30 days after birth. Use a soft, damp cloth to wipe down baby’s teeth and gums, then inspect their tongue and gums on a regular basis to make sure that the teeth aren’t causing undue irritation. These unusual teeth can be wobbly and not well attached so the doctor may wish to remove them at birth. Nutrients for Your Fetus’s Teeth and Bones Before birth however, you’ll be busy growing that baby and it needs lots of nutrients. Most women are surprised to learn that they don’t actually need to eat for two as the common saying goes, but they do need to find highly nutritious foods to help give the fetus all the vitamins and nutrients it needs to develop. Some excellent vitamins and nutrients your Scarborough dentist will recommend to take for yourself and your baby during and right before pregnancy are folic acid, calcium, vitamin D, and iron. Folic acid and its counterpart found in nature, folate, can be extremely important for a growing fetus. Research has shown that not only will it prevent neural tube defects in a baby, but will help to prevent cleft palate while the jawbone and upper palate are forming in the fetus. To get the maximum benefit you need to take folic acid before you get pregnant, about 400 micrograms a day. Any good vitamin will include at least this much Folic Acid. Calcium, of course is needed to build strong bones, even though your baby’s bones will still be soft when he or she is born. You’ll still want to take a lot of calcium during pregnancy to ensure that the baby’s bones form properly, especially in the face and jaw so they will be able to chew properly and will be able to support their first teeth. Doctors recommend about 1,300 milligrams a day of calcium while pregnant. In addition you’ll want to take Vitamin D, because it helps the body absorb and use calcium properly. Lastly, Iron is important for women and babies during pregnancy. It will help keep you from developing anemia since your blood will be shared with the fetus. The baby is also looking to store up a large amount of iron, several months supply, for its first few months of life. In addition be certain to keep up with your regular flossing and brushing. Scarborough dentists and other dentists around the world are starting to agree that cavities can be a disease that affects the rest of the body. After all, an infection of a very bad cavity can work its way to your brain and even your heart. So keep flossing and stay healthy.

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