Sunday, September 4, 2016

Tooth decay here is how to avoid tooth cavities naturally

Not to sound vain, I often receive several compliments on my dentition and the apparent absence of any sign of tooth decay. Besides my mother's genes; other factors come into strong play: Proper Maintenance and Diet. Most People in the west pay very little attention to proper dental hygiene or use absurd chemical substances such as toothpaste containing the poisonous fluoride in a quest to avoid or perhaps repair tooth decay. Furthermore, they wonder why halitosis still persists. Nothing more is required to clean the teeth than a firm tooth-brush and a little un-iodized sea-salt or if you are adventurous, a chew-stick (ask any African Friend if you have one.) Moreover, daily consumption of leafy veggies is essential as a natural step to curtailing tooth decay. Tooth Decay: Causes of Cavities Cavities or tooth decay can be caused by constant acidity in your mouth which is a consequence of over consumption of acid (mucus) forming foods. Eating these foods leads to acidic blood which would rob calcium from the bones as this is necessary to neutralize the acids. (Which is one other reason to reduce high protein foods of the vegetable kingdom

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