Saturday, September 10, 2016

On to aol for broadband

If you are switching from dialup Internet service, and already use AOL, they may offer you AOL for broadband when you make the switch. For many AOL users, this is something they do because they don’t want to lose their AOL email address that they may have been using for years. But for those who have never had AOL, you might wonder if this is something you want to do. The last time I moved, I signed up for a free test with AOL dialup before I decided I’d rather have DSL or cable Internet. The trial was fine, but I had a hard time getting out of it once I decided to go another way. They pursue me to purchases AOL for broadband, even though I repeatedly said I didn’t need it. It was an extra cost above and beyond what I needed to pay for my Internet service. The more I said no, the more they tried. I have to hand it to them, they are good at what they do, and I realize the person I was talking to was only doing their job. The competition for your Internet dollar is fierce, and they want to get and keep all the customers they can. I wasn’t convinced that I needed to pay an extra five dollars a month for AOL for broadband, and in the end they finally listened. AOL for broadband has its advantages, and you will find many customers who have used AOL for dialup with stay with them for broadband services. While I don’t know for sure, AOL has probably come up with a better way to keep customers, perhaps by offering the entire package for the same price you might get from your phone or cable company. However, if you have been unhappy in the past, you may be excited to try someone else. The time you have spent with AOL may make your decision for you. If you have not had a pleasant experience with them on dialup, you may not want to get AOL for broadband when you switch to a faster connection. If you want to stay with them, ask them for a deal. They may give you what you want to keep you as a customer. Just like any other product, AOL for broadband will have its good points and its bad points the final decision should be about service and price.

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