Sunday, October 2, 2016

Lance armstrong bracelets fashion accessories for a worthy cause

Lance Armstrong bracelets, the yellow rubber wrist bands inscribed with the motto LiveStrong, are tangible parts of champion American cyclist Lance Armstrong’s legacy. Diagnosed with testicular cancer on October 2, 1996, Armstrong battled with the disease and didn’t let it get in the way of his will to wear the yellow jersey once again to compete in the Tour de France cycling tournament. In partnership with sports apparel firm Nike, he started selling his Lance Armstrong bracelets for a dollar apiece, with the profits going to the Lance Armstrong Foundation to fund cancer research. It is not so surprising to find that the Lance Armstrong bracelets have become a cultural phenomenon. Aside from being very affordable, people feel they are contributing to a worthy cause by buying and wearing the yellow bracelets. Add this to the fact that the wrist band is not difficult to wear as a fashion accessory. It goes along well with almost any attire: from your regular jeans-and-shirt attire to preppy to sports outfits. School children and teenagers think it is hip to be seen wearing one, and it doesn’t make a huge dent in their allowance to buy it. Professional athletes have been seen wearing them at sports events. Even corporate executives in power suits have taken to wearing these Lance Armstrong bracelets. Made from rubber, it is similar to other cause-related bracelets that have emerged over the past years, such as those for breast cancer and diabetes. Many Americans collect these wrist bands, including the Lance Armstrong bracelets, because aside from being fashion-friendly and easy to wear, they have philanthropic and social significance. Why yellow? This color is especially significant to Lance Armstrong. Aside from imparting feelings of warmth and optimism, yellow is the color of the jersey that the leading Tour de France cyclist is given to wear, and which he has worn to victory numerous times. The yellow Lance Armstrong bracelets are his standard bearers in his fight against cancer, and they bear witness to the things that have given his life new meaning. Since ancient times, women and men have worn one form of jewelry or another as a way of expressing some sentiment, feeling or as a symbol. The Lance Armstrong 'Live Strong' bracelet is a modern version of an age old tradition; jewelry as a symbol of hope, courage and support of a worthy cause.

The benoit tragedy was it negative effect of steroids

The Canadian Crippler – Chris Benoit, his wife Nancy, and their 7-year-old son Daniel were found dead in their Fayetteville, Georgia home on June 25, 2007. The subsequent investigations revealed that Benoit murdered his wife by strangling her, and then killed his son before hanging himself in the house's weight room. According to the media speculations, the Benoit tragedy was mere negative effect of steroids; 'roid rage had played a part in the tragedy. The court papers released on June 2, 2007 revealed that the pro wrestler who strangled his wife and son and committed suicide last month bought injectable steroids excessively. According to the complaint filed by the Department of Drug Enforcement Administration, Dr. Phil Astin, Benoit’s doctor who has been charged with improperly prescribing drugs, prescribed a 10-month supply of anabolic steroids to Chris Benoit every three to four weeks between May 2006 and May 2007. Astin also prescribed testosterone for Benoit. The document states that Benoit was identified as an excessive buyer of injectable steroids. The affidavit also revealed that various controlled substances, including injectable anabolic steroids, were found in Benoit's home. The anabolic steroids found in Benoit's home led the investigating officials to wonder whether the tragedy was the negative effect of steroids; whether the drugs played a role in the killings. According to experts, the people taking steroids may experience the negative effect of steroids; steroids can cause paranoia, depression and violent outbursts known as “roid rage.” According to sources, Chris Benoit was a regular customer of MedXLife, a Florida-based, anti-aging clinic that had two of its owners pleaded guilty in April to illegal steroid distribution. The sources also revealed that several high profile wrestlers had been using anabolic steroids and consequently experiencing negative effect of steroids. HCG and the steroid stanozolol were often sent to the WWE star Eddie Guerrero in early 2005. Eddie died on Nov. 13, 2005, in a Minneapolis hotel room due to what a coroner later ruled as heart disease, complicated by an enlarged heart – i. e. negative effect of steroids – resulting from a history of anabolic steroid use.

Amazing uwb enabled vehicular safety system revealed

Imagine a world with real time vehicle speed monitoring with vehicles “talking” to each other, and reducing the collision rate highly. It is now possible with UWB Technology !! With Ultra Wide Band (UWB) technology, vehicles can have real time monitoring of vehicle speed, and enhances safety by triggering safety mechanisms automatically during imminent danger. The target users are the road users, the car companies and the government. The system can be integrated seamlessly into the existing system, and no additional user intervention is necessary. It works by having both the transmitter and receiver on the particular vehicle, and through reflection from front objects, analyze the speed and determine if there is a need to trigger the safety mechanisms. Through this system, car users can be assured of the safety of the vehicle, and hence increase their confidence in their vehicles and the car companies. Currently, there are substitute products available such as that from Volvo which is equipped with a radar sensor, and through monitoring the speed, decide if automatic braking is necessary. However, UWB is also a force to reckon with and the advantages of the UWB technology are as follows: Firstly, an advantage will be in terms of performance. Given UWB’s minimum speed of 100Mbps and up to a potential of 500Mbps, there can be better instantaneous monitoring, and hence a better triggering of safety mechanisms which will be the deciding factor between life and death. The current products are not capable of getting total collision avoidance, which might be possible with UWB due to a faster processing rate of data with UWB technology. Secondly, the current collision avoidance products mostly utilize wave radar, laser, or infrared spectroscopy, which is highly dependent on the weather conditions, the road surface conditions and the amount of interference present in the surrounding. Ultra-Wideband(UWB) gets a clear advantage as it has been found that UWB actually works better in the presence of multipart interference, and is independent of the weather conditions. Thirdly, UWB technology can blend in with the existing technologies, and given the low power consumption, it also need less system complexity and low costs to set up. Hence UWB create value by low investment costs. Fourthly, UWB create value by giving the customers assurance of the safety of their vehicle every time they use it. The road users who have used UWB will have more confident in their vehicles and the car companies, and creates more demand. However, challenges are present, and one of them is the need to ensure that it does not interfere or disrupt existing radio-communication services. As such, a set of technical specifications and operating conditions for UWB devices has been defined, to be aligned with international standards such as those set by Europe's Electronic Communications Committee. To conclude, although there are some challenges ahead for UWB technology, it is nonetheless a very promising technology, which is already set to revolutionize our lives in the near future.

Instant car loans using credit score to get a lower rate

Smart car buyers know the advantages of getting pre-approved for a car loan before entering a dealership. Because dealerships have shady practices that involve charging higher interest rates and fees, many people choose to secure private financing and compare various auto loan offers. One way to get a low rate on an instant car loan is to have good credit. Here are three tips on improving credit before applying for a car loan. Auto Loan for People with Good Credit Regardless of credit rating, almost everyone can get approved for a car loan. Auto loans are secured, thus lenders have easy lending requirements. In their mind, it's a win-win situation. If a person with bad credit defaults on the loan, the lender simply repossess the vehicle and re-sells it. However, because individuals with bad credit are charged higher fees, lenders are able to recoup some of their loss. Unfortunately, many auto finance companies also charge good credit borrowers higher rates and fees. Because the majority of car buyers are unfamiliar with the auto buying process, they fail to take the necessary steps to ensure a low rate. Know Your Personal Credit Score Many people do not know their credit score. They likely know their credit category: good, fair, bad, etc. When determining an interest rate on auto loans, lenders review credit scores. If your score is above 680, you are a prime borrower and entitled to a low rate. However, deceitful lenders do not inform borrowers of the prime credit rating, and charge more interest. To avoid this scam, car buyers should obtain a copy of their credit report and score before applying for a loan. This way, you have an idea of the rates you may qualify for. Boost Credit Rating Because instant car loan approvals are usually based on credit scores, maintaining a high or good credit rating is essential. Credit reports can be ordered and viewed online. If your score needs improvement, attempt to boost score by a few points before applying for a loan. This may entail paying bills on time, limiting number of credit inquiries, reducing debts, or settling past due accounts.

Is a christian debt relief consolidation company a better option

Many practicing Christians and others who do not subscribe to the Christian faith may have grave reservations when it comes to the idea of a Christian company that offers debt relief consolidation. Christian debt consolidation companies take the stance that their services are not only permitted by Biblical precedent, but that they are also some of the only companies that can be fully trusted in a situation where a consumer finds himself in need of debt consolidation. The big sticking point among Christians is the same one that has been around for centuries; the same issue that Muslims also struggle with: whether or not a Christian can owe money or property to another person. In other words, there is doubt about whether or not a Christian can get into debt. There are some hard line evangelicals who state that no Christian should be in debt, even for a car or house loan, according to Biblical law. Another view suggests that if the item purchased which caused the debt has potential to grow in value, the debt incurred in the gaining was okay. A third stance suggests that debt is all right if it was necessary for securing an income or if the debt does not go overboard as far as the budget is concerned. Many Christian companies which offer debt relief consolidation point to Biblical quotes which clarify the issues of debt and debtors. One of these verses is Proverbs 22:7, which states that the rich rule over the poor, and that the borrower is a servant to the lender. "Owe no man anything, but love one another" is a passage found in Romans chapter 13. The Christa in companies point out that they are actually helping others to fulfill Biblical mandates, as Psalm 37:21 states that "The wicked borrow and do not repay, but the righteous give generously". It is clear from the Bible that God wants all of His children to live an abundant life. Think how impossible this is to achieve under the weight of accrued debt! Once debtors have an action plan in place to free them from their outstanding debts and keep them out of debt in the future, they are that much more able to enjoy the feelings of freedom that come from being a part of the family of God. Christian companies set up with the purpose of freeing people from the burdens of debt and helping them to fulfill their potential. Moreover, many Christians will frankly feel that they cannot do business with a non-Christian company which offers these services, but will be comfortable talking to a company owned by Christians about heir financial issues. It is important to note that while the financial companies run by Christians feel that this is an important point to clarify, that does not mean that their help is restricted to Christians only. People of all faiths can use the services of these companies. Of course, some might wonder why then these companies do not just call themselves debt consolidation companies without stressing the Christian part. The biggest reason for choosing a Christian debt consolidation company would be the fact that they label themselves as such. All consolidation companies claim that they will be able to reduce the interest rates on outstanding loans, possibly even to zero. Both Christian and non-Christian companies have been caught making false promises, so really the choice and the decision is still in the consumer's hands and they must choose with facts and not faith in mind.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

6 Factors of career success

What do employers look for in potential employees? That was the question that was posted recently on a career discussion forum online. Naturally, for each different position, the particular answers to that question would be different. However, there are some common skills that employers look for in all employees, whether the employee happens to be a network engineer or a fry cook. In-Demand Skills for Success 1. BASIC SKILLS‚ Reading, writing and arithmetic! Believe it or not, a good portion of high school graduates (and some college grads) do not read at an 8th grade level and cannot do multiplication in their head. Employers are seeking employees who can read well, can write coherently, and who can calculate mathematics in a business environment (fractions, percentages, etc.) Add to that the modern basic skills of keyboarding skill, basic computer knowledge, and ability to use most computerized tools (e. g. fax machine, basic word processing program, etc.) to round out the basic skill sets needed for employment success. 2. PERSONAL SKILLS‚ Can a potential employee speak well? Can he/she answer questions of customers in a positive, informative manner? Can the prospect provide good customer service? While not everyone has an outgoing sales' personality, successful employees can communicate in a non-confrontational, positive manner with their coworkers, team members, subordinates, management, and customers. Being able to work well with others is a vital skill for success in all jobs. 3. JOB ATTAINMENT‚ Job search is a process that requires a great deal of dedication and attention to be conducted successfully. It follows the old principal that many veteran programmers refer to as GIGO ‚ Garbage In, Garbage Out. If you put lousy effort in, you will receive lousy results. Employers are seeking employees who know how to present themselves in a positive manner and who display enthusiasm and knowledge about the companies they approach. Not only do candidates get evaluated on their skills and experience, but also on how they are approaching the job search. Enthusiastic candidates with fewer skills have an even chance of getting the job as dull candidates with better skills. 4. JOB SURVIVAL‚ Now there's a hot topic in this period of layoffs. Who gets the ax and who doesn't is often a matter of numbers, but it is also often a matter of performance. Employees who have consistently demonstrated their worth, taken initiative, and made themselves a valuable asset to the company have lower incidences of being downsized than employees who put forth mediocre or average effort in their jobs. Surviving within a company through layoffs or moving up the career ladder is a success skill that is learned and is consciously cultivated among successful professionals. 5. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT‚ As all high tech and engineering pros know‚ it's learn or burn in today's work environment. Attaining new skills, applying new concepts, updating established skills is an absolute necessity to succeed in today's work force. The successful individual is constantly attending seminars, taking classes, attaining training on new products or releases, and otherwise learning new skills that will keep them marketable in their careers. Successful people are lifelong learners. Employers are looking for people who have the training necessary to fulfill their needs. 6. CAREER DEVELOPMENT‚ Career Development differs from Professional Development. Professional Development is learning while Career Development is a planning and goal setting process. Successful individuals design a career plan with written goals for short term and long term. They lay out the steps needed to move their careers from Point A to Point B within Time Frame C and plan how they are going to achieve those steps. Successful people have someone to whom they are accountable for their progress and who will monitor their success in achieving their goals. Employers are seeking individuals who (believe it or not) wish to commit to the company for a long period of time. Good career progression is a high selling point of candidates to prospective employers. How do you measure up? Do you have the 6 In-Demand Skills for Success? Feel like you need some help? Give us a call!

Got acne limit your dairy foods intake

Many experts estimate that Acne affects 85% of Americans making it the most common skin disorder in the United States. While it mostly affects teenagers, unfortunately, Acne can carry through to adulthood as well causing self esteem issues for anyone who has this particular affliction. With so many remedies available, what is an Acne sufferer to do? Dermatologists believe what largely determines whether a person develops acne are genetics and hormonal fluctuations, thus the tendency for it to occur during puberty, pregnancy and menopause. Many folks believe that another contributing factor is chocolate and/or greasy foods, but dermatologists are not quite sure yet. Continued research has now revealed there is one food group that has now been shown to contribute to higher outbreaks. The food group is dairy products. That's right, got milk? A study published last year in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology by a team at Harvard suggests that a diet high in dairy products can increase your likelihood of Acne. The researchers analyzed the habits and diets of nearly 50,000 people, looking especially at what they ate while in high school. Those who drank three or more cups of milk a day, the study found, were 22 percent more likely to experience severe acne compared with those who drank one serving a week or less. Skim milk had the greatest effect. Cream cheese and cottage cheese were also associated with outbreaks, while chocolate and greasy foods were not. The researchers attributed the effect to hormones in milk; other studies have had similar findings. It is interesting to note the wide range of intake of dairy products for this study. Students who drank three cups of milk a day vs. those who drank one serving a week were the ones who were 22% more likely to experience severe acne. That is a huge difference in daily intake. Those in that group suffered “severe” acne. As you know, each person reacts to a specific food or medication differently. Taking this study into consideration, it proves that diet can have an impact on your acne breakouts. While dermatologists are in disagreement about chocolate and greasy foods, my own personal experience suggested that they did indeed impact my outbreaks. As an Acne sufferer, you need to monitor your diet to test if certain foods are contributing to your outbreaks. Our diets and the foods we eat are significantly different that what we ate 25, 50 or 100 years ago. It is very likely that these changes have contributed to such a high percentage of the population suffering from Acne at some point in their life. So how can you tell which foods are causing your Acne outbreaks? Start keeping a log of the foods you eat and when Acne outbreaks occur. While this may sound simple enough, it will require some diligence on your part to truly keep an accurate log. Pay special attention to foods that are not natural. For example, it is unlikely carrot sticks will cause an outbreak, but that big bag of Sour Cream and Onion Ruffles might. I know from my own experience, it seemed like anytime I ate a chocolate bar, I had an outbreak within 1-2 days. When keeping your logs, pay close attention to these patterns. If you are a heavy consumer of dairy products, you may want to pay special attention to your intake in this area and modify your diet accordingly. Make sure to pay special attention to what nutrients you might be losing if you cut back on milk, such as calcium and vitamin D. As always, consult your doctor and/or dermatologist if your problem persists.

Speed dating make sure you clean your teeth

Speed dating – want a successful evening? Be warned, 3 out of 5 UK men & women say stained, grotty teeth are a complete turn-off! New research shows that singletons are flocking to speed dating events across the globe in their quest to find Mr or Ms right. Yet, they may be forgetting that small but crucial things like a clean white smile are ruining their chances of making the right impression on the night with the opposite sex! In a world where everyone wishes for a 25th hour, speed dating has become one of the hottest ways to meet that very special person in just one night. With this in mind, Smart Dating UK has commissioned new research to discover just how important white teeth and a bright smile can be when creating a first impression. The report shows that over 60% of speed daters said that they wouldn't give a person with stained or yellow teeth the time of day, and 70% are first attracted to someone by their smile. With speed dating allowing just three short minutes to create a lasting impression, Tracey Cox, TV's dating expert reveals her ‘top tips' on how to make a get noticed when it counts: Step 1. Double up on the smiles: Smiling is contagious and it's the quickest, most subtle way to show interest without looking desperate. Greet them with a broad, friendly grin, which shows all your teeth. Step 2. Look at their mouth loads: The more we're attracted to someone, the more time we spend looking at their mouth. It's a very, very sexy gesture because the person can't help but think I wonder if they're imagining what it would be like to kiss me? Step 3. Put a pen in your mouth or stroke your lips: If you've got great teeth, you're effectively pointing to one of your best assets. Plus you're sending a pseudo sexual signal because mouths are an erotic zone. Step 4. Use the killer threesome: Combine a smile, leaning forward and a touch and you've sent the clearest signal you find them attractive. What's more, the speed dating research shows that a smile wins first time, every time with 1 in 3 people in the UK claiming that they judge a person by their smile. Catherine Zeta Jones' pearly whites were voted ‘the most perfect smile' by over a third of women, but lets face it she pays a small fortune for those dazzlers. Yet, looking after our teeth doesn't have to cost the earth, Dr Julian Chen, (the man who knows teeth - Dental Consultant) advises: “We all know that coffee and red wine are two of the worst culprits for causing stained teeth. However, by attempting to include alternatives like white wine or herbal tea means we don't have to live in complete abstinence from our creature comforts. There are also quick and easy ways to reverse teeth staining the professional way or now via teeth whitening products available over the counter.” Don’t forget, white teeth and a bright smile are just as important in an interview situation. 1 in 10 people in the UK would think twice about employing someone with stained teeth, so maximising your smile not only helps you land Mr or Ms Right, but also the career you’re chasing, because after all creating the right first impression counts in all situations. Happy speed dating!

Gambia casinos

The list of The Gambia's casinos is surprisingly short for the country. While it is a small country, essentially the valley of the river Gambia, it has an open and thriving economy. It has also become one of the great destinations for European tourists in search of some winter sun. In fact the country deliberately set out to become a tourist magnet for those escaping from the severity of a Northern European winter: something they've managed to do very well. So the shortness of the list of Gambia's casinos is therefore something of a puzzle, it's simply odd that there aren't more. That sort list of Gambia's casinos in fact only contains two places: On Cape St Mary there is the Fajara Casino Club offering blackjack, slots, roulette and baccarat (very much a European gambling game and one the presence here shows who the likely players at the casino are). There is also in Kanifing the Kololi Casino, offering again roulette, blackjack, baccarat and in addition, poker. One of the interesting things about the country is that it was both the first and the last of the British colonies in Africa. The location and the natural port at the head of the great river (and the fresh water of the river itself) made it a natural stopping place for sailing ships to come in and restock their supplies before going on further afield. A rather darker part of the country's history was the associated part it played in the slave trade. That very port and the fact that ships were stopping there anyway made it one of the great trading centers of the trade across the Atlantic. In fact, when Alex Haley wrote his familial autobiography, 'Roots', he was able to trace his own line to Kunta Kinte, born in a small village on the north bank of the river. Some of the country's tourist trade is thus based, that part of it which isn't on Europeans looking for sun, on Americans rediscovering their roots. In common with many other African counties the Gambia depended in the past upon the export of a commodity for it's keep, in their case groundnuts (peanuts). While this is still important the dual industries of the port itself (much trans-shipment is done here) and the ever growing tourist industry have now taken up much of the strain. We can expect, as that tourist trade continues to grow in both size and sophistication, for the list of Gambia's casinos to grow.

How to learn about gambling

: Many people use casino gambling as a rite of passage from boyhood to manhood. It is very common for males to go to the casinos on their 18th birthday for some fun, and usually they come back with no money left in the bank. But it does not matter why you decide to gamble if you are going to do risk your hard earned cash you should at least be ready for what is going to happen in the casinos. Everyone knows how to play the most Popular Casino Games like; Roulette and Blackjack, but they do not know anything more then the basics. By learning the game more in depth you will not only increase the chances for you to take home some of the casinos money, but you will have more fun while playing the games. There is not much to learn about playing the slot machines. The only thing to learn about them is that the longer you stay on one machine the more your odds of winning increase. The best thing to do with the slots is try to find a slot machine that someone has been playing for a while without winning and then when they leave you get that machine. Most people will play 10 or 20 dollars in a machine then leave if it does not pay off, this is a big mistake. Games like Craps, Blackjack, Poker and Roulette have many different variables to them, making it important to educate yourself about a casino game before playing it for high stakes. One way to learn is to spend time in the casinos playing the game and building experience. In my opinion this is the best way to learn. You are literally paying your dues for your education. If you can not afford to spend your money in the casino or if you are not old enough to enter a casino and you want to know how to learn to gamble you can go online and many sites offer casino games that can be played against a computer or against other players just for fun. These fun games are not played for money so there is no minimum age to play these casino games. Another way you can learn to gamble is to go to a school that teaches you to deal some of the most Popular Casino Games played today. These casino dealer schools can be found all over the country and especially near Atlantic City and Las Vegas. You will not only get to learn to play but you will learn the secrets of the dealers. This can give you a very nice advantage in the casino. It may seem like an expensive way to learn to gamble, but in the end you will probably spend less on the school then what you would lose if you just learned at the table in a casino or an online casino. The lest recommendation I have is to go out and get a book or two on the casino game you are interested in learning about and reading about it. The books will offer advanced strategies and help you memorize the odds of each bet in each situation so you know which bet is the best and when to make it. This does not mean you will win every hand, but it increases your chance of winning some of the casinos money. By reading this article and taking the advice you will win more money and enjoy your time in the casinos more.

Shark attack

It seems as each summer passes there is an increase in the number of shark attacks being reported throughout the world. Some would believe this must mean there is an increase in the number of sharks attacking people in the water. Figuratively speaking, an increase in the population could result in an increase in attacks and more people to damage. Realistically, it means our shark attack reporting system has become more efficient. Your odds of being attacked by a shark in the water are quite small. More people are injured and killed on land while driving to and from the beach than by sharks in the water. Shark attack injuries are also less common than injuries afflicted on the beach, such as spinal cord damage, jellyfish stings, dehydration, and sunburn. More people require sutures as a result of sea shell lacerations on their feet than shark bites. You have a better chance of being hit by lightning, dying from a bee sting or being hit on the head by a falling coconut, than you do of being attacked by a shark. Most shark attacks occur quite close to shore in water 6-10 feet deep, on a sandbar or between sandbars. These are areas sharks are known to feed in and they may get caught in low tide. Swimmers who are splashing and playing in these areas may be mistaken as prey. Underwater locations such as drop offs and walls are also likely attack sites as natural food sources also congregate in these areas. When a shark has attacked a diver, the shark has most likely mistaken the diver as prey or has been unexpectedly startled by a diver. There are two types of attacks that usually involve divers in deeper waters; "bump and bite" attacks and "sneak" attacks. These types of attacks are less common than surface attacks, but result in greater injuries and the most fatalities. "Bump and bite" attacks are characterized by the shark initially circling and often bumping the victim prior to the actual attack. "Sneak" attacks are characterized by the strike occurring without warning. Repeat attempts to bite are not uncommon and multiple or sustained bites are normal for these types of attacks making these injuries usually quite severe, frequently resulting in death. Rather than being a case of mistaken identity, these attacks most likely occur as a result of feeding or antagonistic behavior. If you are a diver, here are a few tips to help you avoid shark attacks during your dive: • Swim in a group. Sharks are less likely to attack a group of divers and are more likely to attack a lone diver. Keep in mind you should at the very least, have a dive buddy with you during all dives. • Avoid the water at night, dawn, or dusk. Sharks hunt at night. If you love night diving, dive with a group and make sure you have a dive lamp. • Do not go in the water if you are bleeding. If you start to bleed while scuba diving, attempt to stop the flow of blood as soon as possible. Sharks have an incredibly sensitive olfactory system and can smell and taste blood and other bodily fluids and trace the scent back to its source. Menstrual blood may also attract sharks, but there is no indication of increased attacks on menstruating women. Many women dive safely while menstruating and until controlled tests involving non-menstruating and menstruating women occur there is no definitive or scientifically proven data that states women are at more risk of shark attack during menstruation. • Do not wear shiny jewelry. Shiny jewelry may look like small fish to a shark. • If you see a shark during a scuba dive, stay calm, stay quiet, and stay where you are. Most sharks are merely curious and will leave on their own. If a shark begins to get too interested in you and is moving closer and closer, it is safest to leave the water. Swim quickly and smoothly, watching the shark the entire time and keeping your dive buddy within an arm’s reach.

Making a perfect cup of espresso coffee

When it comes to making Espresso, each and every professional coffee maker, such as Barista, will have their personal secret recipe. In this article I will show my recipe on how to make a delightful cup of Espresso. The first most important ingredient of Espresso is water. In espresso you can only use fresh hot water. The water should ideally be around 203F (95C) that is nearly boiling. Water often becomes stale due to the presence of mildew, pure cleaning methods and inadequate filtering. If you use stale water then no matter how good the quality of the coffee bean, it will not be able to overcome the association of poor water. The next ingredient is coffee. While making Espresso you should choose Arabica. It doesn't matter whether it has been grown in Brazil or Bogotб or elsewhere. The bean should have been grown above 915m and should be delivered all fresh for roasting. You can either elf roast it or but it a few days after but your coffee should essentially have the 'fresh food' smell in it. You can also use Robusta beans as they are easier to grow and more disease resistant. However, this bean has more caffeine and fewer flavors so it is best used for those quick pick-me-up drinks and not for Espresso. After that you have to finely ground the beans in a burr. Do not use the blade attachment of the blender as the blade often chops the beans and does not grind them. In the burr attachment the beans are ground between two pyramids shaped teeth on two plates. Ideally, your ground coffee should be like the dark Viennese or French. This name often refers to color of the ground coffee and not to where it's grown. The distance between the two plates often determines the fineness of the granules. The ground coffee should be sand grain sized. It should not be too finely ground or should not be like the shape of small gravel. You should also remember to not to leave the coffee exposed to air, mainly because just like other foods, coffee also oxidizes and absorbs odors from the air. This may often ruin your perfect cup of Espresso coffee. Since you know the basic ingredients, you can proceed to the next stage of Espresso making. The first thing that you should do is pre-warm the equipment. All you have to do is turn the espresso maker on, run it through good water and let it heat. When the water is warm enough, you can run a cup through without any coffee in it. This will help to warm the equipment and flush out any particles present in it. Now, you have to add your ground roast. Just as in tobacco, remember to pack it down slightly. You should feel some springiness that you often feel in pipes. You should be careful as to not let the coffee scatter. After this you firmly place a hopper inside the machine and a warmed cup of espresso at the outlet of the machine. After you start the machine you should have the perfect thin steady stream of coffee in about five seconds. A double shot would require around twenty seconds. If you want to make cappuccino then you should warm half cup of organic milk in a microwave for about 90 seconds. Then you should froth it and add it to your Espresso. You can also add different garnishing like cinnamon, chocolate or nutmeg. If you like your coffee sweet then you can add a little bit of organic sugar. In the end, if you want a great cup of Espresso all you have to do is keep the whole process simple and straight. You should always remember to keep your equipment clean and to start with good quality ingredients.

Why one curable fact is costing site owners millions in lost revenue

If you want to stop losing your traffic even after your visitor has clicked your “buy now” button(s) read on... Here is proof from Microsoft that the problem is built into their Internet Explorer web browser. 84% of people use IE. Further evidence proves Netscape, Opera and Firefox are contributing to a major problem for site owners. Every Web Server based on UNIX, Linux, or Microsoft, and the rest, causes this problem. Plus if you have anything to do with PPC, PayPal, Card Merchant Service, Google Adwords and Google Adsense – even your FREE search engine listings – then you have to know about this and what to do about it. What is the Problem? It is a SERIOUS (circumvent-able) FLAW in the relationship between ALL your COMBINED ONLINE SERVICES:- Your Web Server (regardless of product or platform) PLUS Your PPC campaigns (like Adwords or Adsense and others) PLUS ALL Your Search Engine Listings (regardless of search engines used) PLUS ALL Your Merchant Accounts (regardless of product or platform) PLUS EVERYONE'S Internet Web Browsers (regardless of product or platform) Here’s the issue: All web servers cache (or put into memory) web HTML pages. If an HTML page's content is changed and resent to the web server, visitors may still see the OLD relic page - served from the web server cache! PLUS All web browsers store a cache of HTML pages visited (including the images), locally. If a visitor returns to make a purchase AFTER an update was made to the server they may see a relic "cached" version of the content or even worse - your "buy now" buttons - being served from their own desktop! Here is an example of how your site could be affected right now. Say you change the price of an item on web page from $50 to $40. Say you have a buy button linked to PayPal for $50 so you go and get a new $40 buy button for your new (updated) buy page. You then upload your buy page to your web server with the new $40 PayPal button. Next you go to Adwords and change the price of your campaign from $50 down to $40. And you wait for traffic and purchases. And you wait and wait and...wait. If your web server's cache does not refresh or if your customer's browser cache does not refresh a visitor who clicks on your Adwords advert may get your old relic page. And when they click on your buy button and are presented with your PayPal payment page they will suddenly see the price of $50 instead of $40! Why – because your web server's cache did not refresh and they were sent an artifact of your old page. AND OR their browser showed them a relic of the page. Assuming nothing on your page changed except the new ‘buy now' buttons from PayPal your customer will think when they click your buy button that they are going to pay $40. But when they get your PayPal page the price they see will be $50. Take this a step further. Say you updated your buy price several times over the course of a week. On Monday your price was $50. By Sunday you had changed your price down 3 times to $30 and still no sales. You could have been losing truck loads in lost revenue because your web server or customer's browser is still serving up a page you uploaded days ago. You have paid for pay-per-click advertising (PPC), hosting, etc, and still not made many sales – why – because when your customers went to pay you they were shown the wrong price! Forget PayPal for a second. This can happen with any buttons or links you download from a web merchant or affiliate and could be affecting your business right now. Discover how to cure this problem once and forever. I give simple, quick instructions that anyone will understand. Everyone is affected. Even you! Visit justonefact right now to ensure you never lose customers because of a problem you CAN fix in minutes.

Untreated strep throat can lead to serious complications

While sore throat is an ailment that clears on itself within a few days, strep throat often requires medical treatment with antibiotics. Physicians claim that in the absence of an appropriate medical treatment, strep throat can rapidly aggravate and lead to complications such as rheumatic fever, cardiovascular diseases or kidney affections. Before penicillin was discovered, infection with streptococcus bacteria could even cause life-threatening diseases. However, nowadays strep throat can be easily overcome with the means of specific antibiotic treatments. It is very important to understand that sore throat and strep throat are not the same thing. Sore throat is caused by infection with viral agents and its generated symptoms are mild. By contrast, strep throat is caused by infection with group A streptococcus bacteria and its generated symptoms are usually intense. Strep throat produces symptoms such as inflammation and swelling of the throat, cough, nausea, fatigue, high fever, enlargement of the tonsils and lymph nodes. While the symptoms of sore throat usually ameliorate within a few days in the absence of medical treatment, the symptoms of strep throat intensify gradually and can persist for more than a week. In many cases, untreated strep throat can lead to tonsillitis, otitis and scarlet fever. On the premises of a weak immune system, the infection can even become systemic, affecting the body on multiple levels. Strep throat is very contagious and it can be easily acquired in the flu seasons. Unlike in the case of sore throat, the symptoms of strep throat have a rapid onset and they are considerably more intense. Sometimes, clinical examinations alone can distinguish between sore throat and strep throat. By measuring patients’ body temperature and by examining the aspect of the tonsils, doctors are usually able to tell whether the infection is caused by viruses or bacteria. However, strep throat can be correctly diagnosed only with the means of laboratory tests. In order to determine the nature of the infection, doctors take a sample of mucus for analysis. If the illness is indeed caused by group A streptococcus bacteria, doctors usually recommend an appropriate medical treatment with antibiotics. Considering the fact that antibiotics can generate various side effects, physicians only prescribe these drugs when the illness is serious. If the throat inflammation doesn’t appear to be caused by infection with streptococcus bacteria, doctors usually recommend letting the illness heal naturally. If the symptoms of strep throat persist for more than a few days and appear to intensify, physicians may prescribe a treatment with penicillin or amoxicillin. These antibiotics have been successfully used to cure strep throat for decades and they are still effective in overcoming the illness in present. The treatment with antibiotics needs to be followed for more than 10 days in order to ensure a complete recovery. It is very important to respect the doctor’s indications and to correctly follow the prescribed medical treatment. If the treatment with antibiotics is prematurely interrupted, the infection is very likely to reoccur.

Gaining self confidence to succeed in anything

Where does self confidence come from? How do we get it? Why don’t I have it? The answer to all of these questions can be answered with one word – you! Self confidence starts with you, your perception of yourself, and what other people think about your actions or behavior. For some of us, a lack of self confidence only affects our high ambitions. You might have always wanted to get up on stage, or to be a professional singer or actor for example. Perhaps your life dream is to travel the world, visit different countries or cities, but you don’t have the self confidence to do it. For others, the problem of self confidence is much closer to home - in the office, business meetings, public speaking events or presentations. Self confidence issues affect most of us at some time, and we can usually find ways of getting around the problem. Avoidance is one tactic we often use – if we can get out of an intimidating situation we’ll make up excuses not to take part. However, there are times when we can’t get out of it, or we really don’t want to. If a lack of self confidence is preventing you from doing trying something new, or from succeeding in your working life, it’s time to do something about it. The starting point in improving your self confidence is understanding what causes the problem. Low self esteem, not believing in yourself or your ability, feeling inadequate compared to your colleagues or friends or maybe some kind of trauma from your childhood are all contributing factors. By examining the reasons for your low self confidence, you’re halfway there! Taking positive action to overcome your fears is the next step to help boost your self confidence. A simple way to do this is by taking on small challenges. You have allowed your brain to associate certain events or actions with fear, so you’ve already pre-empted the outcome of these situations. By taking a small step towards conquering this, you’ll find that the result is most likely not as bad as you think – in fact, you’ll probably be surprised about how good you feel and your self confidence will instantly increase. When you’ve completed your first small challenge, congratulate yourself on achieving your aim. A small reward can often help. You’re already on the right path to improving your self confidence, so you’re ready to take it to the next level. This doesn’t need to be a huge task; you don’t want to undo all the good work. Building up your self confidence takes time, and while you might want to leap ahead, it can be a good idea to take things slowly at first. Steadily increase the risks you’re taking to get your self confidence to where you want to be. Risk taking does not, of course, mean jumping off a bridge, but the perceived risk of something happening as a result of your actions is usually the biggest barrier with self confidence. Self confidence problems are common for most people, and there are excellent resources to learn to deal with these issues, but if you do have severe difficulty facing certain situations you should seek professional help.

A brief history of thomas the tank engine and friends

Thomas the Tank Engine gained the hearts of many children since the Railway Series of books first came out back in 1945, which isn't surprising considering Thomas the Tank Engine books have sold about eighty million copies all around the globe. As a celebration of the series' 60th anniversary, here is some history about Thomas the Tank Engine. Back in 1943, little Christopher Awdry, a three years-old son of an Anglican clergyman named Wilbert Awdry, was suffering from scarlet fever. Due to the nature of the disease he was forced to remain in isolation. As a way to keep him entertained, his father started telling him several stories about a group of trains living out adventures and having fun together, and thus, Thomas the Tank engine was born. As is to be expected with any child, he demanded his father to tell him the stories over again and again, and of course corrected him each and every time an inconsistency took place. To "protect" himself from his son's corrections, Reverend Awdry started writing down the stories onto pieces of paper to remember every detail. To add to the storytelling, the Reverend made small sketches and drawings of cute small steam locomotives on the paper, along with the train stories. He drew a set of steam locomotives in an engine shed and added a human face to each of them, thus showing a "human" expression for each one. One night, while his father was telling him one of the stories, little Christopher noticed a sketch of a small train with a sad face on the paper from which the Reverend was reading. Naturally, he asked his dad why that little train was so unhappy, and inquired what his name was. The Reverend then said the first name that came to his mind: Edward. That was when the first tale came to life. Since then, about a hundred small moral Thomas the Tank Engine tales came out. The Reverend's wife thought that those stories were good enough to be published, so they started looking for an editor. Soon, Mr. Edmund Ward (a retired businessman) showed his interest in those stories, and since then there has been a Thomas the Tank Engine book released almost every year. Surprisingly, Thomas the Tank Engine himself did not appear in the Railway Series until the second book came out in 1946! The books came with colorful designs that were attractive to children. With a size appropriate to fit a little kid's hand, the books contained three stories and the stories were written on the left page, while an illustration of a certain part of the narrated events was on the right page. The first illustrator for the first dozen of Thomas the Tank Engine books was a man named C. Reginald Dalby, who established the appearance of all the characters based on the Reverend Awdry's sketches and the aspect of real steam locomotives. Many of the stories are based on real happenings and people. For instance, one of Reverend's Awdry colleagues was a steam collector and is known to have inspired the character of the Vicar who saves "Trevor the Traction Engine" from the scrap heap. Being the most famous train of all times, Thomas the Tank Engine continues bringing healthy entertainment and marvelous, timeless magic stories to children around the world. Copyright © Jared Winston, 2006. All Rights Reserved.

Intro 101 make money taking great photographs

You love taking photographs and people keep telling you that you have a great eye. How difficult is it really to make money from your photographs? There's a lot to taking good photo's and there's no way that one article could cover all the aspects of a good photo. This is an overview on how to get started taking making money with your hobby. Before you start you will need: - a decent camera doesn't have to cost the earth but it can be all the difference when it comes to making beautiful photo's - to understand the different features on your camera learning to use the special features on your camera can make all the difference. - to keep your eyes peeled for good photo opportunities at all times. When judging photos generally the three main elements are judged. The crispness/ sharpness of the image, the composition and the subject. The sharpness of your images can be improved by focusing properly. Zoom all the way in to the intended subject and focus. Then zoom out to the desired distance. The focus should be sharper. The composition: whole books have been written about composition and there is a broad and fascinating science behind it. In general the law of thirds should serve you well when trying to make a well composed shot. Divide the frame into 3x3 lined sections. All the action should center along the lines. This means the subject should never be entirely in the center of the frame. When trying to compose your shot always try to balance the elements within the frame. You will get a feel for this with practice. The subject - when taking commercial photo's this is obviously very important. You will want to photograph a wide variety of subjects. Anyone can make a good living from selling stock photos. Look online or even set up your own. You must remember that selling anything takes work. You will need to spend a great deal of time marketing yourself and your work. If you are serious about making money from your photo's then you need to start putting together a portfolio containing your best work. Having a portfolio on hand can be very useful when wanting to impress prospective buyers. Consider putting together an online portfolio to reach an international market faster. You could even set up an online sales system selling your photos. If you really know a lot about photography consider sending some of your best work in to one of the photographic magazines with a step by step account of your procedure and equipment used. It's worth the effort because you gain valuable exposure as an expert in your field. You could use some more unconventional methods to generate cash with your camera. What about making screensavers from beautiful photos? If you don't have the technical know how you can ask someone to show you quite easily. Many people make good money this way. There are all kinds of other markets you can consider selling your photo's to. Online magazines, print magazines, newspapers, travel brochures and books all need photos. Keep your eye's open for any publications that appeal to your niche. All that’s left to do it grab your camera and start shooting!

The meaning of dreams

There is a guiding principle to dream interpretation, and Edgar Cayce said it best when he called for us to “interpret the dreamer” and not just the dream. Dreams are a tool, like the proverbial “finger pointing to the moon.” Don’t focus on the finger or you will miss out on all the heavenly glory. Dreams are the finger and they are pointing to the dreamer. Interpreting your dreams is an exercise in self-discovery and self-growth. They are almost always referring back to you and every character, image and emotion is usually referring to various parts of your psyche. The primary purpose of dreams is to attempt to balance the psyche. Keeping this in mind will help you understand the meaning of your dreams and prevent you from getting way off track in your interpretation. Trying to understand one dream in isolation is like trying to understand a person by spending one day with them. By recording all of your dreams in a dream journal you will, over time, find it easier to understand individual dreams you have in the future. Dreams are like plays or movies that we create every night, and they have a similar structure. It can be helpful to look for this structure when trying to understand your dreams: oEstablishment of a LOCATION. Where does the dream take place? How do you feel about that place? What emotions arise within you as you think about it? Does it have any relationship with a real place you know? oIntroduction of the CHARACTERS. Who are the characters? How are you presented? Who is the antagonist? How do you feel about each of those people (including the presentation of yourself), and how do they relate to parts of your own personality or to people you know? oHow does the PLOT unfold? There is usually a beginning (where the story is established and begins to build), a middle (where a crisis peaks), and an end (where the crisis get resolved – though sometimes dreams don’t provide the solution and end in the middle of the story because it is up to you to provide the resolution). Sometimes (rarely) dreams can be very literal and they are easy to understand. There is nothing wrong with asking whether the face value of the dream may have meaning for you. Most often, however, dreams are shrouded in symbolism that points beyond the literal image. They can be trying to communicate a very specific message that applies to your waking life, they may be merely trying to balance your emotional life or they may just be hinting at some thoughts or emotions in progress without any final resolution yet in mind. Dreams are often messages from our subconscious mind that are resisted by our conscious mind. For this reason, the subconscious often cloaks the message in symbols so the dream isn’t immediately rejected or simply avoided by the conscious mind. Unraveling these symbols can be very difficult, but also a lot of fun. It’s the ultimate mystery and the most elaborate puzzle, but the answer is always within you. Sometimes the answers are as simple as consulting a dream dictionary for the meaning of common symbols and archetypes. However, each person is different and has their individual “dream dictionary.” To make things even more interesting, your personal dream dictionary can change over time. Interpreting your dreams can provide you a life-long quest that goes way beyond the puzzle solving of the Da Vinci Code, but can also be much more rewarding.

Booking a resort during vacations

Should I stay at a resort that just opened? This is a question we hear often. There are new resorts opening monthly in Mexico and the Caribbean. That trend will continue for the next 12 - 18 months. New resorts are a great way to stay at luxury resorts at discounted prices. The first season a new resort is open, the rates will be deeply discounted so that they can get good press and lots of buzz about the property. Just make sure that it is a well known hotel company. They will generally bring in great staff from other more established properties to kick off the Grand Opening. Most resorts have a 4 week soft opening. I always suggest that staying during this time is a risky proposition. The service will most likely not be perfect. The menus may not be set. The staff may not be trained properly. Always ask our agents. My favorite new property in the Riveria Maya is the Valentin Imperial Maya - just spectacular! Book your Apple Vacation dream honeymoon to Cancun, Cancun's Riviera Maya, Punta Cana, Jamaica or Puerto Vallarta and the lucky bride and groom will receive two FREE roundtrip air tickets for the same time next year! This promotion is valid for new air and hotel bookings, only on USA3000 Airlines or Apple Charter for travel August 15 - October 31, 2008. After original reservation has travelled, a copy of your marriage certificate and the Apple honeymoon form have been received, an Apple Vacations/USA3000 Airlines certificate for two air seats will be sent to the honeymoon couple. Marriage certificate must be dated August 15 - October 31, 2008. Return air seats are valid for anywhere USA3000 Airlines flies through Apple from August 15 - October 31, 2009. Tickets are non-transferable. Call us at (800) 510-5642 and let us plan the perfect wedding or honeymoon for you. Remember to fill out your travel preference form and enter to win a $250 travel credit and special gifts in your birthday and wedding anniversary months! Planning your wedding and/or your honeymoon at a vacation destination from start to finish with an experienced travel wedding planner will give you the peace of mind that all the right decisions are being made for one of the most important events of your life. We will help you make your wedding and/or your honeymoon all that you dream it will be. Call us today at 1-800-510-5642. We look forward to saving you money and planning the wedding/honeymoon of your dreams! Call one of our vacation agents at (800) 325-2485 and let us make this reservation for you.

Buying dvd is it worth it

There are a lot of good audio/video players available especially for movie enthusiast but is “good” enough? Guess not. Video and audio performance in all modern DVD players is excellent. Personal preferences, your budget, and your existing home theater setup all play a large role in determining which player is best for you. The budget and quality should be taken into consideration before buying the product by most consumers. When we talk about quality, DVD is the new generation of optical technology. DVD is essentially a much bigger and faster CD that can hold cinema-like videos, better-than-CD audio, still photos, and computer data. DVD aims to bring home entertainment, computers, and business information with a single digital format. DVD has the capability to produce near-studio-quality video and better-than-CD-quality audio. DVD is vastly superior to consumer videotape and generally better than laserdiscs. Most players support a standard set of features such as Language choice (for automatic selection of video scenes, audio tracks, subtitle tracks, and menus). Special effects playback: freeze, step, slow, fast, and scan. Parental lock (for denying playback of discs or scenes with objectionable material). Programmability (playback of selected sections in a desired sequence). Random play and repeat play. Digital audio output. Recognition and output of DTS Digital Surround audio tracks. Playback of audio CDs. Instant search to title, chapter, music track, and timecode. Durable (no wear from playing, only from physical damage)pact size (easy to handle, store, and ship; players can be portable; replication is cheaper than tapes or laserdiscs). The primary advantages of DVD are video quality, surround sound, and extra features. In addition, DVD will not degrade with age by overplaying it like a videotape hence it will allow you save lots of money and be able to collect your favorite movie and televisions shows for years and still be able to play it over and over again. Most movie experts choose DVD as their preference for movie entertainment because of high quality resolution and excellent audio performance giving an excellent movie experience in their homes! Try it and see it for yourself and you’ll learn than every penny spent is worth it!

Cool grandparent s use email

Have you been finding it difficult to bridge the generation gap between you and your grandchildren or younger people in general? I teach basic computer skills to Senior People on a voluntary basis in their homes, and at a local computer centre and the main question always seems to be, show me how to email my grandchildren. On top of the generation gap we also have the problem of so many families being split up in different parts of the country or across the world. One of the most basic skills to bridge the gap is emailing. If you join the younger generation and use their way of communicating, the gap is very quickly forgotten. If you have a mobile phone finds out how to send text messages, another communicating skill seniors are not using. It’s cheap and it works. Most of you will have a built in Email in your computer such as Outlook Express. This is connected to your ISP (Internet Service Provider). Setting it up is very simple but you will need some information from your provider. Phone them and ask for it and then fill up the form and your away. Another way and I think a better one, is to have an email that you can log into on any computer and in any country. While you are away travelling for instance. There are a lot, but the best I have found are Gmail and Hotmail. Both are free and take very little time or knowledge to set up. Just Google up Gmail and you will be directed to their email sign up site. Before you start they will ask you for a user name and password. Decide on these and write them down before you start to fill up the information. There is a possibility you will not get what you want so be flexible and think it out before you start. Choose a few different combinations of password and login, i. e.; Password: David10 Login: dancestudio. Remember what ever you choose they will be case sensitive, so if you use only lower case it will always be lowercase, the same if you use a capital letter such a D and the rest lower case. It will always be, for example: David. It is most likely you will have to use at least 6 digits. You might want to put your name, lets say Ann, then you would need to have at least 3 digits more, so why not Ann plus your birth year i. e. ann1947. Make up a few ideas and when you put them into the email program they will tell you what is available and also suggest alternatives as close as possible to the one you have asked for. Do take a password that you are going to remember. You might have Login ann1947 and then you need a password such as 123456 any combination or a word. Try and always keep the same password and login in the future because trying to remember a lot of different ones is a nuisance. If you have a mobile phone put them in under New Contact so if you are out or away you will always have that with you. This is a good trick for keeping numbers, but make sure nobody else would have access to the information if you lost your phone. When you first sign up for the account (it called an account but it’s free), they will ask you for secret questions only you would know. For example; where were you born? Or mother’s maiden name? Pets name? Etc. This is for your safety so if you loose your information it can be recovered. That’s all there is to it. Now you have an email account and can contact anyone in a flash. One word of caution, do not download information unless you know who has sent it. Use the delete button on any suspicious emails. You will find some emails called Junk. In the Junk folder. Remember to take a look at them every day because an important one may have slipped through. As you get used to your program you will find files for keeping information, how to upload photos and many other bits and pieces that will keep you in touch with your loved ones and they will think you are one cool grandparent. It’s a win win situation

In the end the one thing that matters

: If you are reading this article, however you found it; I know something about you. You have an interest in your own improvement, or the improvement of those you lead. You have a desire, perhaps even a burning one, to assimilate new information in hopes that the new information will improve your results. If you are reading this you are a learner, and you want to get better. How do I know that? It’s easy. Most people don’t take the time to find material like this. Most people show, through their actions that they are complacent – happy with their skills and results. Sadly, most people don’t read. So congratulations! You meet a criterion important for unleashing your potential, because you search for ideas, approaches, techniques, tips and tools. Now that I have congratulated you, let me tell you a secret. It isn’t enough. There is a big difference between knowing of a tool, owning it and using it. Owning a hammer doesn’t get the nail through the board. Knowing how to drive the nail straight doesn’t get that new picture hung. There is a big difference between seeing how an idea will work, being inspired to make it work, and doing it. The difference, of course, is action. If we want to make progress, if we want to get better, if we want to unleash our enormous potential, we must take action. I know that there can be a lot in our way – pressing business matters, an already overflowing plate of work, issues and challenges away from work. I’m sure you are like me – you have ideas from the last workshop you attended, five notes from the article you read last week and two ideas spawned from the book you finished last month. And they just sit there. At some point they move from being a motivating thing, to a negative one – ideas sitting there, growing stale, weighing on our mind because we aren’t getting them done. Guess what? You can’t take action on all of those ideas today or tomorrow. But most of us stop there, somewhat stymied by the list, immobilized by not knowing where to start. If you want to change that, read on. What’s Next? Don’t read the rest of this unless you are ready to invest five minutes after you finish reading it. If you don’t invest that time, this article and the ideas it spawns will just add to the list. Seriously. Commit to yourself that you will spend five minutes taking action on the advice provided below before you do anything else. Five Things in the Next Five Minutes 1. Tell yourself you can’t do everything you want. You can’t. But don’t let this fact stop you. Because while you can’t do everything, you can do anything. You must choose. 2. Make a quick list. List the ideas, tools, techniques or approaches that you have been thinking about wanting to do something with. Maybe it is an idea you recently read, maybe it is a workshop you want to attend, or a project you want to try - whatever those things are, write them down on a quick list.

It doesn’t have to be pretty or complete, just get your ideas down. Now. 3. Pick one. One thing on the list will stand out to you. One will be calling your name. One will be exceptionally motivating. Pick it. 4. Determine a first action. Decide what the first thing is that you need to do to put this idea, approach or tool into action. This first step isn’t huge.

It should be something you can do today, regardless of how busy your schedule is. If the step seems too big, break it down some more. 5. Do it. Today. (Now is even better). After you have done these five things (you have now, right?) there are two more things to do, and these two can be done in a flash – far less than the five minutes you just invested.

6. Decide a next action. 7. Commit to completing the next action. These seven steps will change your life if you DO them. That is the point of this article after all. In the end, it isn’t about knowledge, ideas or inspiration. It is about action.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Camping at california state beaches

California State Parks offer a total of 64 state beach facilities up and down the beautiful California coastline. Many of California’s state beaches provide camping facilities and they all offer gorgeous coastal views and a wide range of activities that are sure to please everyone in your family. Sonoma Coast State Beach is located in the northern coastal region of California. Visitors to Sonoma Coast can enjoy hiking, bicycling, and horseback riding along the scenic trails and craggy beaches. While the strong surfs and rip currents of California’s northern beaches are not safe for swimmers, they provide great opportunities for surfing. Wildlife, including harbor seals and the endangered snowy plover, can be spotted throughout the park and fishing is bountiful all along the 17 miles of beaches. Sonoma Coast offers two developed family campgrounds as well as two environmental camps. Bodega Dunes features 98 campsites and hot showers. A sandy beach with a handicap accessible boardwalk is located near the campground and summer programs are available for children. Wright’s Beach offers 27 campsites along the beach with picnic tables, fire pits, and paved parking. Wright’s Beach campers can use the nearby showers at Bodega Dunes. In the San Francisco Bay area of California, Half Moon Bay State Beach lets campers experience the moderate temperatures and gorgeous sandy beaches of the San Francisco Bay through hiking, fishing, or picnicking. The four miles of vast beaches at Half Moon Bay includes four beaches, a three mile trail for walking, jogging, and biking, and a horse trail. Francis Beach offers a 52 site campground for tents and campers, as well as coin operated hot showers. The water in the San Francisco Bay stays too cold for swimming year round, but fishing in the park is abundant. California’s central coast boasts a wide variety of state beaches, offering many different activities and venues. From hang gliding to bird watching, the central coast has a little of everything. El Capitan State Beach is located just outside of Santa Barbara and offers shady picnicking and camping beside the El Capitan Creek. Hiking, bicycling, surfing, and fishing can be enjoyed in the park. One bike trail connects the park to nearby Refugio State Beach, only 2.5 miles away. Visitors to Refugio can also enjoy camping, hiking, biking, and fishing. Los Angeles County has several state beaches with picnicking facilities and hiking trails. While most of these state beaches do not provide camping facilities, they are perfect for day trips. Visitors to Malibu Lagoon can enjoy historic and cultural exhibits, as well as bird watching and guided nature tours, including watching the gray whale. Santa Monica State Beach is a beautiful beach that offers shopping as well as activities like volleyball, basketball, and jogging. Many of LA County’s beaches also provide wireless internet services. When visiting, carry along a cooler, like one of Coleman’s wheeled coolers, to keep your lunch fresh and your drinks cool. Orange and San Diego Counties have some of California’s best beaches for swimming and surfing. The balmy, Mediterranean temperatures make the beaches great vacation destinations year round. San Clemente State Beach is a beautiful, sandy beach that stretches one mile down Orange County’s coast. The campground at San Clemente features 157 sites, 72 including hook-ups. Visitors can enjoy nature trails, as well as natural and cultural exhibits and events. The beach is popular for picnics, swimming, and surfing, and the park has an available wi-fi connection.

Edward hopper capturing private solitary moments

I have a fascination with the paintings of the American artist, Edward Hopper. Somehow—whether by technique, imagination or subject matter—he is able to create the most compelling and evocative scenes, which stir my imagination. One of my favourites is Automat an oil painted by him in 1927. A young woman with a yellow felt hat sits absolutely alone in a barren restaurant drinking a cup of coffee. I look at this and immediately feel her isolation and loneliness as if it were my own. Is she running away? What thoughts are in her mind as she stares into the cup? Right away, Hopper has got us speculating, as he does with all his paintings. Where did she come from? Where is she going? You're caught right in the middle of a story which you can "read" backwards or forwards in time. I was so taken with this painting that the woman in it became the inspiration for a character in a short story, The Thief, and now a novel which I am writing. Struck by her isolation and self containment, I called her Celia. I search the painting to see what emotions Hopper creates and how he does it. Behind the solitary woman is a large window, blackened by an impenetrably gloomy night. The lights or reflections of lights recede into the background giving a murky, tunnel-like effect, leading to nowhere. The radiator, crouching at the left of the painting, seems just as isolated as the girl in the composition, but almost looks more communicative than her. The lonely, solitary moment is caught in time—permanently engraved on my mind. Just think how many stories could grow from this one painting! Will someone, a boyfriend or family member enter that door, hoping to bring her back? If no one comes, where will she go as soon as she drinks her coffee? To a dingy hotel room? Onto a train to New York? That would be just like so many other Hopper paintings, which so often depict hotel lobbies, motels and railway cars. Or maybe she will change her mind and go back home. Perhaps this painting speaks to me of the apprehension of the unknown as we proceed moment to moment through life. So often, we are unsure and tentative, fearing to venture out into the unfamiliar. Then again, maybe the girl is incapable of reaching out to others. After all, for me, Celia — the character in my story who was inspired by this painting — grew into a character that was desperate to get free of her self-imposed isolation from the world. And so, for me — art, painting, sculpture, and photography are so often an inspiration for writing. Of course, all art [whether it is painting or writing or music] speaks of its own time — that is, the time and place in which the artist lived. Hopper painted much of his work in the twenties, thirties and forties of the last century, when rapid industrialization and urbanization were forcing people from their old dwellings and old ways of living. Consequently, so many people felt lost and displaced. And yet, the emotions evoked by his work are universal, whatever the time and place. Great art transcends time and place and touches a nerve in us all, which communicates those universal emotions and ideas to us. Just like a photograph, Automat is a permanent moment in time existing in a world which, at the same time, seems so transient. And that is why such a painting as the Automat inspires me even today.

Myspace codes how should you use them

All of us wish that we could manipulate our profile so that it looks good. Some of us have special requirements. We want to keep number of details private, only for few friends, but do not know how to do that. Myspace codes help us in personalizing the profile. Let me tell you about few of these codes. Centering the profile - Many of us want to keep our profile in the center of the web page. It looks good. The code for this is available in many myspace codes websites. You need to copy the code and paste it in about me section of your profile. Save it and refresh your profile. Your profile will come in the center. Hide the contact table - What if you do not want to be contacted by others? You can have that freedom now. After hiding your contact table, you will be able to contact others, but they cannot contact you. This saves you from lot of spam profiles and spam messages. The code for this is very easy to use and you can also remove it whenever you want. Image Codes - In this code, you can upload your own images. Upload your image on any free image uploading website. Copy the URL of image in the code box and copy the code in your profile. as soon as you open your profile, your image will get downloaded. Hide myspace comments - Many of us receive highly personal comments. We do not want others to view them. In myspace profile all comments are visible. With the code for Hide myspace comments, you can hide your comments. No body will be able to view them. Remove add a comment link - If you do not want to receive comments from anybody, what should you do? This code comes handy for that. Use this code and no body can comment you. Myspace codes offer us lot of freedom to play with our myspace profile. We need not be helpless at all. With so many codes, we can design our profile the way we want. We are no more at mercy of others.

Internet advertising methods expensive vs cheap

Read about Ads: All About Internet Advertising Methods People opt for internet advertising methods because practically half of the world's population knows HTML. If you have your own business, you have to decide on what internet advertising method works for you. Ask yourself what are you going to avail of: the expensive internet advertising methods or the cheap ones? Others will pipe in "expensive!" immediately, but they don't know cheap internet advertising method attracts great benefits as well. Here's the lowdown and a comparative look on the cheap and expensive internet advertising methods: The Expensive: 1. Pop-ups. Not only is this expensive, but also outright annoying that visitors close pop-up windows without even bothering to know what they're all about. This is an internet advertising method that you can do without. Fly ads are derivatives of pop-ups which are also equally irking to the visitors. 2. 1. Pop-ups. Not only is this expensive, but also outright annoying that visitors close pop-up windows without even bothering to know what they're all about. This is an internet advertising method that you can do without. Fly ads are derivatives of pop-ups which are also equally irking to the visitors. 2. Pod casts. Broadcast is to TV as pod cast is to internet. It's one sophisticated internet advertising method that can somehow hamper your budget. But if you're thinking results, pod casting is worth the money. 3. Paying the search engines. How does this one work? When someone types in a keyword related to your site, your URL is automatically included in the first page of the top results. Fixed payment for the search engine allows just that. Expensive, yes, but if we're talking about Google and Yahoo search engines here, then don't give it a second thought. This is associated with another internet advertising method: the pay-per-click system. The Cheap: 1. Blogging. Go along the bandwagon and blog about your website. This is an internet advertising method that is popular as of the moment, so you never have to worry that this will never spur outcome. All you have to do is sign up for a blogging account, post and voila! You don't even need to pay! 2. Submit to not-so-big search engines. This is cheap and dependable. If you submit your site to smaller search engines, you have bigger chances to get bigger results. Remember that the search engine giants can dwarf and overlook your site easily, so this internet advertising method might just be the right one for you. 3. Text links. This is not just cheap...this is virtually free! Let someone text link your site and return the favor. Cheap versus expensive, that's always the question that hounds on whenever we're trying to get something. In the field of internet advertising, just be wise enough to figure out what will suit your needs. Go for what you want as long as there are visible results.

Two things to do before you die

Close your eyes for a minute and think about the fact that one day you are going to die. Does that make you a little uncomfortable? If it does then you’re certainly not alone. For most of us living in modern society, our own mortality is a subject that is rarely discussed. Thoughts of our own inevitable death are easily brushed aside. “I’m too busy living to worry about that now.” “What’s the point in worrying about it? I can’t change anything.” Generally though, these are lies we tell ourselves to protect us from our fear of the unknown. And while these lies may appear to work on the surface, deep within your subconscious they just build on that fear. Well, enough is enough! It’s time to stop lying to yourself. There is great freedom to be gained by considering and accepting your own mortality. Life has a way of making you think about it eventually, whether through the death or illness of a friend, family member or loved one, or perhaps through your own life being placed in danger. So why wait till the last minute when emotions are high and the fear is intense. Take the time to consider your mortality now, and come to terms with it. If you’re still not sure then consider this - how do you react to any other potential interruption to your life? If you were faced with a potential retrenchment, for example, how would you react? Most likely you would not just hope the problem goes away, but would rather take the time to consider what exactly this situation means to your life. How will this affect you and your loved ones, and your lifestyle? What options do you have, and what path will you choose to minimise any negative impact and maximise any gain in your life? And yet do we do this when faced with the most inevitable change of our life, our own death? No! We ignore it and hope the issue goes away. Well, no more! Considering and coming to terms with the meaning of your life, and your death, is essential for your peace of mind and your happiness. So if you really want to live, then you need to ask yourself some questions: “Am I ok with the fact that I’m going to die?” “What does this mean to me?” “Why am I dying?” “If I died today would I be happy with how I’ve lived my life?” There are a million different questions you could ask. Only you can choose the questions relevant to your own life. And only you can provide the answers. So ask yourself these questions. You may not have answers just yet, but keep asking and considering the question until you are at peace with your own mortality. Peace of mind is essential for a happy fulfilling life. Now, once you’re at that stage, you’ll find there’s a second thing that you must do before you die. Thankfully though, the fact that you’re comfortable with your life and imminent death will make this second part really easy. You must now live your life to the fullest. I can’t tell you how to do that, but once again you can find the answer through questioning your subconscious. “What can I do right now to live a fulfilling life?” “What do I want to do now, more than anything else?” “How can I contribute to the world?” There is so much life to be lived. Get out there and enjoy yourself. Time is ticking by. Don’t put off living till tomorrow, when circumstances may be better. Tomorrow never comes. Live now. Skydive, travel, volunteer your time to a charity, watch the sunrise and sunset, grow a prize winning garden, learn to fly, learn to scuba dive, meditate, paint, sing, or play an instrument. The world is yours. This life is yours. Get out there and live it! Now! Before it’s too late, make these two things a priority in your life: 1. Consider and accept your mortality. 2. And live your life to its fullest potential. Lance Beggs Copyright 2005 Lance Beggs. All Rights Reserved.

Create humorous images through association

Using association for memorization is a proven and effective way of retrieving information. Anything new to the mind is easily remembered if paired with another familiar object or any piece of information. This is the only secret and formula why memorization through association method works very well. Association may seem difficult to use at first. A person using this method for the first time can possibly find himself trapped using the usual information such as the big tree, the old house down the street or the old lady passing by every morning for association purposes. But it doesn’t have to be like this all the time. To make the art of memorization become more easy and natural, one can even associate anything important for retention to music, food, clothes and just about anything. It’s even more fascinating if association is used together with fun objects and distinct appearances. The reason why association works well with sillier or funny images or even the ones that are truly strangely unique enough to be remembered is because it stays in the mind easily above all the other usual bits and pieces of information. Remembering names in this fashion work just as great. It’s always best to start with the people with familiar faces but at the same time, those of whom you could never retain the names. Starting with the most difficult ones always make memorization easier since the brain adapts to a rigid training of memorization. So, for memorization of the people whose names are entirely unknown or foreign to you but whose faces you get to meet at the pantry almost everyday, try asking for their names once and associate it with anything familiar and humorous to you. For example, the name Mathew is just too usual with almost every guy you meet but this time, the name Mathew has got to be for this particular person only. You don’t want to make the same mistake for such a simple name so every time this person walks up to you, make him the disciple Mathew in modern day, walking around the office premises in robe and bearded.

Stocks online are quite varied

Anyone who decides to get into stock trading will soon find out this can be a world of ups and downs. Still, many investors find trading stocks is one of the best ways to accumulate and build on wealth. Even if it's only a few dollars at hand to invest, stocks online can be a great consideration. Buying and selling online delivers not only a lot of perks in regard to ease, but also variety. Stocks online now available for purchase come in all types. They can range from a few pennies to those that cost hundreds per share. For the most part, investors will find that stocks online are those that can also be purchased through a broker, paying higher fees. The advantages to online trading include not only lower fees, but also control and access to more markets in many cases. The types of stocks online for purchase tend to include: Penny stocks: These stocks are considered "junk" by some, but the fact is some people have managed to make very big returns on cheaper buys. Start up companies and those new to the stock market often offer their stocks at very affordable prices. While they might not actually cost a penny, these lower priced stocks are worth researching for investors without a lot of means. These are common buys online. Blue chips: Some of America's biggest company names fall into the blue chip category. These stocks online tend to be more expensive than others, but they are typically noted for their ability to maintain or increase price. The theory behind the blue chip stocks is that if they fall, they will generally recover their value and even increase it. Bonds, futures: It is sometimes possible to buy into bonds and futures online, as well. These are also available for public trade and inasmuch can be great investments. Bonds can include municipal offerings and even those issued by companies. Futures tend to revolve around crops, such as oranges, wheat, livestock and so on. In reality, those who look for stocks online will find almost everything available on the domestic front can be hand online, as well. The availability of some markets will depend on the site being used. Some traders will only offer specific markets they have access to. Another option for online traders falls into the realm of foreign markets. Forex trading has become a very big deal with the Internet making it easier and easier for people to invest in foreign stock markets. Getting into foreign markets successfully will likely require some very serious homework on potential buys and pitfalls. The offerings on the foreign market will depend on the sites being used to invest. No matter how stocks online are bought and sold, it's a good idea to enter the deals with care. Do some homework on the sites being used to buy and sell, study the potential stock buys and do pay attention to major trends up or down. Even investors with a very little bit of money can make some real returns when they play the game well.

Managing caregiver guilt 5 tips to manage guilt so guilt serves you not imprisons you

: Guilt is a common feeling in the landscape of care giving. Guilt can propel you to be the best you can be …or it can immobilize you. For caregivers, painful feelings -- such as guilt, sadness and anger -- are like any other pain. It’s your body’s way of saying, 'Pay attention.' Just as the pain of a burned finger pulls your hand from the stove, so, too, guilt guides your actions and optimizes your health. You have a picture of the "Ideal You" with values you hold and how you relate to yourself and others. Guilt often arises when there’s a mismatch between your day-to-day choices and the choices the "Ideal You" would have made. The "Ideal You" may be a parent who attends all of the kids’ soccer games. Miss a game to take your dad to the doctor, and you think you’re falling short. You may have needs out of line with this "Ideal You." You may believe that your own needs are insignificant, compared to the needs of your sick loved one. You then feel guilty when you even recognize your needs, much less act upon them. A mother may ask herself, “How can I go out for a walk with my kids when my mother is at home in pain?” (A hint for this mother: she can give more to her mother with an open heart when she takes good care of herself.) You may have feelings misaligned with the "Ideal You." Feeling angry about the injustice of your loved one’s illness? You might even feel angry at your loved one for getting sick! Recognizing those feelings can produce a healthy dose of guilt. Yes, you may even feel guilty about feeling guilty. “Why did my loved one get sick?” you may ask. Perhaps, if the "Ideal You" acted more often, your loved one would be healthy. What if you served more healthful meals? What if you called 911, instead of believing your husband when he said his chest pain was just “a little heartburn”? If you’re the kind of person prone to guilt, learn to manage guilt so that guilt serves you rather than imprisons you. Here are 5 tips for managing your caregiver guilt: Recognize the feeling of guilt: Unrecognized guilt eats at your soul. Name it; look at the monster under the bed Identify other feelings: Often, there are feelings under the feeling of guilt. Name those, too. For example, say to yourself: “I hate to admit this to myself, but I’m resentful that dad’s illness changed all of our lives.” Once you put it into words, you will have a new perspective. You will also be reminding yourself of how fortunate you are to have what it takes to take care of loved one.” Be compassionate with yourself: Cloudy moods, like cloudy days, come and go. There’s no one way a caregiver should feel.

When you give yourself permission to have any feeling, and recognized that your feelings don’t control your actions, your guilt will subside. Look for the cause of the guilt: What is the mismatch between this "Ideal You" and the real you? Do you have an unmet need? Do you need to change your actions so that they align with your values?

Take action: Meet your needs. Needs are not bad or good; they just are. If you need some time alone, find someone to be with your loved one. Change your behavior to fit your values: For example, Clara felt guilty because her friend was in the hospital and she didn’t send a card. Her guilt propelled her to buy some beautiful blank cards to make it easier for her to drop a note the next time. Ask for help: Call a friend and say, “I’m going through a hard time. Do you have a few minutes just to listen?

” Have a family meeting and say, “Our lives have been a lot different since grandma got sick. I’m spending more time with her. Let’s figure out together how we’ll get everything done.” Revisit and reinvent the "Ideal You": You made the best choices based on your resources and knowledge at the time. As you look to the future, you can create a refined vision of the "Ideal You." What legacy do you want to leave?

What values do you hold dear? Then, when you wake up in the morning and put on your clothes, imagine dressing the "Ideal You." Let this reinvented "Ideal You" make those moment-to-moment choices that create your legacy. Understand that you will be a more effective caregiver when you care for the caregiver first.

Loved ones neither want nor expect selfless servants. As a caregiver, when you care for yourself, you increase and improve your own caring. Yes, guilt is part of caregiving, but this guilt can help you become the caregiver you and your loved one want you to be.

Budapest an ideal city break but what lies beyond

Hungary’s recent accession to the EU has made travel to and from the country simpler and more attractive to travellers from other European countries. The tourism industry is booming in Hungary and its’ capital, Budapest, has established a firm place on the list of must see city break locations. But as the city attracts more and more tourists and challenges Barcelona and Prague for the number one spot in city break destinations looking outside of the city itself can reveal another side to Hungary as a destination. Budapest is a city rich in culture and history, a city of castles, cathedrals, museums and Turkish baths. Although uniquely Hungarian and not short of attractions, Budapest is typical of the European city break destination. But a nation with no less than 8 UNESCO World Heritage sites is not short on wider attractions and Hungary is no different. Pecs, some 213 km from Budapest is a stunning early Christian necropolis founded by the Romans in the 2nd century AD. The first Hungarian king, St Stephen founded an episcopate in Pecs in 1009 and the architectural monuments of 150 years of Turkish rule are still evident offering the visitor an interesting mix of east and west. Closer to Budapest and the Millenarian Benedictine Abbey of Pannonhalma is a stunning, yet relatively undiscovered tourist treasure. The abbey, built on the Roman province of Pannonia dates back to the formation of Hungary as a nation itself. The abbey has been built and destroyed several times in its history but the foundation of the monastery originally built be Czech and Italian monks and most recently refurbished in a unique baroque style are truly impressive. Travelling out side of Budapest can be relatively easy with a range of organised tours visiting many of Hungary’s attractions and the country’s rail network is relatively cheap and reliable. For the more adventurous or independent traveller, car rental is available with many of the major firms offering car hire in Budapest ( easycar/car-hire/location/Budapest. aspx/EN ) or at the various airports around the country. Hungary is a welcome addition to the European travel destination circuit and the merits of Budapest are obvious and abundant. The country itself though is a fascinating destination of contrasts, history and culture and it just might be well worth exploring.

Understanding colors

Color is so powerful that it can persuade, motivate, inspire and touch people’s soft spot - the heart. This is the reason why understanding colors is pretty crucial in relating and communicating with other people. Not only that, it is also important to businesses in order for their business to sell. There are many uses of colors. Here are some of the many: 1mercial Offset Printing. In the commercial printing industry as well as the online printing services interface, colors are essential to ascertain the efficiency of the printed materials. Usually, printing companies use four-color printing, two-color printing and Pantone which is also known as PMS. Four-color printing also known as full color or 4 color printing is a process of creating colors using the CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow and black) colors. Instead of physically mixing the colors, four colors mix a spectrum of colors using CMYK in order to create the colors desired. Two-color printing is a color printing process which uses two colors only. This is especially applicable in printing 2-colored logos and postcards. This process is one of the cheapest among the printing processes available these days. Pantone or PMS (Pantone Matching System) is a color system of mixed inks. If you want a specific color for your company logo this is the right color printing process for you. PMS is capable of finding the exact color that you need. Nonetheless, this may be a little costly compared to the rest. 2. Colors in the Computer Monitor. In order to create colors in the motor, it uses three base colors with full spectrum – Red, Green and Blue. By simulating these three colors, other colors are formed. Each base color has 0 or no light emission to 255 or full light emission. Computer monitors can also convert RGB to CMYK colors. The need is to ascertain the equivalent color of RGB to CMYK so that the print results are similar to that displayed on the monitor. 3. Paints. Industrial paints need specific colors to complement fixtures and designs. Usually, industrial paints are matched using the Pantone Matching System. To do this, choose a PMS color first then your choice of paint. That way it will be easy to pick paint colors. 4. Desktop Printers. Use the four-color printing system to reflect an accurate color for your documents, pictures and graphics. What you see on your monitor may not appear exactly as printed. This is because computer monitors are using RGB color system. Now, you can zero in on your color preferences. Good luck!